happy easter! It’s easter Sunday and I’m in Katherine – the big smoke. I’m staying with fellow munanga linguists Robert and Jenny. what a luxury having four days of doing whatever I want to do. Thursday I had a normal working day, although we didn’t do much. I had a run in with the couple who run the Batchelor building at Ngukurr (Adult education centre). It’s a very flash facility located next door to the language centre but it is totally under-utilised. Language centre is asking to be able to use it for Language Centre stuff but it’s causing some problems. My argument is that it’s a community facility and that the community should have access to it and be using it much more than it is being used at the moment. But the woman who runs it doesn’t want the building used that way. Which on one hand is fair enough, but on the other, the facility does belong to the community so I feel she should pay them more attention. anyway, the issue goes on and on so I’ll stop now. besides,...
Non-Indigenous (i.e. munanga) linguist doing a bunch of stuff in the Katherine Region with languages (and more) occasionally sharing his thoughts...