Was there a census last week? If there was, us mob at Ngukurr know nothing about it.
I know thismob here already get a pretty raw deal but no census? I thought they had a referendum about that in 1967 making it illegal to leave Aboriginal people out of the census.
John Howard, your government is shit.
I know thismob here already get a pretty raw deal but no census? I thought they had a referendum about that in 1967 making it illegal to leave Aboriginal people out of the census.
John Howard, your government is shit.
I haven't felt this sense of political flexibility in this country for a VERY long time. And it's still pretty minor *flexibility*. Before I get too carried away with expecting the revolution, we should prepare ourselves for the inevitable and probably very effective retaliation to regain TOTAL CONTROL from Mr. I'm-such-a-pro-at-being-a-politician-that-I've-got-George-W-as-a-mentee Howard.
It is good news about the dropping of the migration legistlation - but note the way the changes to the NT Land Rights Act are going almost unnoticed.
As I was writing my comment I thought 'Hmm, I wonder what the latest is on the NT Land Rights Act' and went off to see what I could see.
Here's what I found, unfortunately...
Crikey, I'm getting all left wing and political now... thanks Kris! :-)
"The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) says it is confident most remote Indigenous communities in the Territory will be counted in this year's census.
Some reports have suggested a significant number of communities are being missed because of a shortage of collectors.
The ABS was forced to recruit more people to help with the census in some outlying Darwin and Top End regions which were late to receive their forms."