Today I've been working on my submission for the Federal Government's Inquiry into Language Learning in Indigenous Communities. As part of my research for my submission, I was searching for quotes from Aboriginal educators in support of bilingual education and Indigenous language education. When I assembled the quotes, I found it pretty much heartbreaking to see the passion that is there when at the same time Indigenous language education is being denied because of the NT Government's ridiculous Compulsory Teaching in English for the First Four Hours policy. Here's what I found today: What we want is both-way teaching in the school – not only for two hours a week but everyday there should be both-way teaching… That policy of speaking English only at the school is the wrong thing – it is not good for our children … they will forget their language - Rembarrnga speaker Miliwanga Sandy (Beswick Community) (in Gosford 2009). I am a qualified bilingual teache...
Non-Indigenous (i.e. munanga) linguist doing a bunch of stuff in the Katherine Region with languages (and more) occasionally sharing his thoughts...
Your blog is awesome - I've really enjoyed reading it so far, and will be checking in again.
Good to see you're staying true to your nerdy self :-)
Don't you like the gee-tar picture? Why didn't you post that? Actually, I have a couple of you playing the guitar and another one at the gorge. I think your fans want more pix! We'll have to try to satisfy them.
My sister thinks you look like an Abercrombie model in this picture...
and sure, if you're offering to lend me more of your pics that'd be great (not that i asked to use this one in the first place!)